Monday, October 4, 2010

 "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24
A good description of my Sunday, and it comes from my favorite psalm.  Yesterday was a beautiful day in Berlin!  Before I had even entered the sanctuary of the church I visited, I was surprised to see a familiar smiling face-- someone I'd met a couple of weeks ago.  After I found a seat, so many more people came up to say hello and introduce themselves... it's so valuable to be welcomed.  Worshipping the Lord was a blessing. 
After talking to a sweet new friend after church, I walked back... The sun was shining through the trees... the leaves were trying to decide if it's summer or fall... and I found a gorgeous pink and white building that would fit really well in Charleston, S.C.-- one of my favorite cities.
In the afternoon, I talked with my home church through Skype!  I was able to share about what's going on in Berlin, and it was so encouraging to watch a bit of the services and even see the congregation waving!  As I prepared to leave the States last month, one of the things that made me really sad was the fact that I'd be away from my church, and it's so cool to stay connected while I'm here.
After Skyping, I took a walk down the street, bought a bratwurst for dinner, and took some pictures in the evening light.  Good day.

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