Friday, October 29, 2010

Yesterday afternoon, a teammate and I ventured around various parts of the city hanging flyers.  Berlin is over three times as big as the largest city I've lived in to date... and I love big cities, so I'm thrilled.  It's so interesting to me that I can get on any number of u-bahns (subways), and when I surface from the underground, I'm in yet another unexplored part of the city.
I haven't been nearly as faithful in bringing along my camera as I should be, and many times yesterday I found things that I would have taken a picture of but couldn't.  I may have to return to capture them on film.  Things like:
*  A street sign reading "Christstrasse"... which means, "Christ Street."
*  Red ivy climbing up a sky-blue building.
*  The "Carpe Diem Cafe."
*  A huge, iron-gated, red-brick building that could easily become the setting for a scary movie.
*  A jungle painted on the wall of an u-bahn station.

Life in the city = :0)

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