Monday, October 25, 2010

What I'm learning...

The chance to move to another country and talk about Jesus is absolutely amazing.  However, regardless of how much I want to be here and how great my time has been... there are still things I miss.  Recently I put my finger on one of the biggest of these:  I miss being known and loved by the people around me.  Though my team is great and I do feel loved, we haven't known each other very long... so they couldn't meet this need.  So I've currently been feeling sort of lonely, in a strange sense. 

BUT.  This weekend, our speaker told a story about a time when God revealed something to him.  The words from the Lord were, "I know, and I love you."  As I heard his story, I thought, "Oh, yeah, that's good."  But it wasn't until I was reflecting later that I realized:  This is exactly what, just a few days before, I'd said that I've been missing.  Being known and loved.

I felt the Lord's love for me this weekend in a way that I really needed.  How sweet it was to know that what I need, God does.  A favorite verse of mine:  "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man."  Ps. 118:8.  I'm learning... however slowly... to take refuge in the Lord.


  1. It's always amazing the many ways God answers our prayers and shows us He is always listening and His timing is so perfect. You've seen that so many times this past month! Have a wonderful week! We miss you!

  2. Hey Laura. I know what you mean. If I don't have enough social time I start to go crazy. 8 ) I hope you get closer to your team; much of the time God works though others.
