Monday, September 20, 2010

It's officially been a week since I arrived in Berlin, and I feel as though the 'getting used to life in Europe' process is going well so far.  :0)

Yesterday (Sunday), I visited a church that one of my teammates attended last year.  Worshipping in a Sunday morning service in Berlin was a neat experience.  Though the songs were mostly in English, German translation was available below the English words, and we also sang a little bit in Spanish and a little bit in  German... that was really cool.  I'll be visiting other churches in Berlin, too, until I decide where I should attend this year, and I'm looking forward to that.

Today, among other things, we explored mensas in the city to determine if they would be good places to meet and connect with students.  Later this week, we'll attend part of a conference held for the people working with Campus Crusade for Christ at the universities in Germany.

On another note-- here are just a couple of many neat things I've discovered about Berlin: 

*There are so many flower shops here!  Along the streets, in the subway stations... walking past them is so cheery.
*The chocolate is great.  :0)
*The transportation system isn't difficult to understand, and it's very helpful.

Many more observations to come!


  1. Laura- Enjoying your blog! Sounds like you are getting settled. We have been praying about your apartment- just know that God knows exactly where you are to be! Summer has returned to Indiana- high today 95! What is your weather like? If it's cooler I may join you. Please know that we are lifting you up as you answer God's call on your life. God has a mighty plan for you and we can't wait to watch it unfold. Love, Dale & Jane

  2. Hi! I'm really jealous about the flower shops and chocolate! We are praying for you always and love seeing a new update on your blog! Love you bunches! Cindy

  3. Thanks, guys!! I can't believe it's so hot there... Yesteray I did wear shorts in Berlin for the first time, but today it's back to the usual jeans and a jacket/coat weather... so you're def. welcome to join me! :0) And Mom... I'll have to send you some chocolate. It's, like, really good.
    Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement... I really appreciate that. I'm praying for you guys, too!
