Later, someone from Germany showed me a great Christmas market hidden away in a neighborhood. People filled the market, but it was cozy and perfect. Walking there on my second visit, I discovered this car, on which someone had left a "love note" in the snow.
The gold squares on the ground around Berlin bear the names of persecuted Jewish people who were removed from the buildings in front of which the squares are set and taken to concentration camps. One rainy day, my roommate and I noticed that someone had honored these memorials with their own tribute. Siegfried and Fanny both died in the year after they were taken from their homes.
My dad and I might be the only two people who would get a kick out of getting wet wipes along with my meal at McDonald's in Berlin, so this picture is for him.
I'm pretty sure (thanks to Google Translate, which is super helpful) that there are at least three languages on this thing-- English, German, and Czech.
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