Thursday, February 17, 2011

He reigns.

Psalm 47:8 says, "God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne."  

This is how you say "God" in the languages of just some of the people I've met in Germany this year.

(I used Google Translate, so hopefully this is correct...)

Belarusian:  Бог
Czech:  Bůh
German:  Gott
Greek:  Θεός
Italian:  Dio
Korean:  하나님
Portuguese:  Deus
Russian:  Бог
Spanish:  Dios
French:  Dieu

The name of God is a beautiful name, a powerful name, and a name worthy of praise.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

(Sometimes I'm intimidated to write a blog about what I'm learning from the Lord.  This is mostly because I feel as though I should have incredibly insightful things to say, and that I should say them in incredibly impressive ways.  But really, all I want to do is share.  So... this is what I'm learning from the Lord. :0)

Last Monday, my friends and I were asked the question, "What do you need in order to hear from the Lord this week?"  I wasn't sure, and so I asked the Lord what I needed in order to hear from Him.

He led me to the end of the book of Job.  You know that part where God's telling Job about how amazing He is?  I really love these chapters.  Read Job 38-41... it's sweet.

What I needed was to understand who God is.  I was reminded as I read that God is so God, and I am so not.  I don't know why I deceive myself into thinking that I have the authority to question Him... I totally don't.  I do believe that I can ask Him about the things that I don't understand... but what I realized is that I've been doing that with an attitude of frustration, without recognizing God's goodness and authority.  I toss questions at Him to complain.

But you can't read Job 38-41 without seeing God's authority.  And after hearing the Lord talk about His greatness-- a talk so powerful that before He starts, He tells Job, "Brace yourself like a man," (38:3)... after this, Job concludes:  "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know" (42:3).  I love this... the realization that when I don't understand something, when in my head I say, 'I don't like that'... in reality it's too wonderful for me to know.

And what's even more crazy is that this God who created the universe, God who knows and has control over every detail of the universe, and whose ways are too wonderful for me to know-- this God, knowing how sinful we are, came to earth to die on the cross so that we could have a relationship with Him.  How much sweeter I understand salvation to be when I understand how great is God who gives it and how much I don't deserve to know Him.